Charles Harrison
Department of Public Works/DPW
Village of North Hornell Department of Public Works
The Village of North Hornell is responsible for the maintenance and improvement of the village’s public road infrastructure. The infrastructure includes approximately 5.2 miles of road, drainage system, sewer, water, and maintenance on village buildings.
North Hornell DPW:
Superintendent of Public Works – Charles Harrison
Assistant to Superintendent –
The Village maintenance responsibilities include snow and ice control, road patching, street sweeping, removal of brush (at specified times of the year) and maintenance on water and sewer lines. The Department of Public Works undertakes projects which include updating our drainage system as well as resurfacing our roads and updating our street signs.

News from the Department of Public Works
During winter months No vehicle shall be parked on any public highway within the corporate limits of the Village of North Hornell between the hours of 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM during the period beginning December 1 and ending March 1 of the following year. (Village code 131.11)
- Brush pick up will continue throughout the year. Grass is not considered brush and will not be picked up. Please put your brush out over the weekend to ensure pick up on Monday. Pick up is the second and fourth Monday of each month.
- Do not push snow from driveways onto the Village Streets!!
- No Parking on Village Streets from 2:00 AM – 6:00 AM during winter. Violators will be towed!
Excavators damaging any Village facilities such as water or sewer lines will be required to pay for damages. Make sure to notify the DPW if your plumber or contractor will be digging.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact North Hornell DPW at 324-7023 between the hours of 7:00 –3:30 PM Monday through Friday.
Printable Forms
Sewer/Water /Excavation Permit Application
Sewer/Water /Excavation Permit Application Agreement